Best Cafes in Toronto – 1

Cafes have become third spaces in our cities. Since Toronto is my new home, I am doing a personal project of visiting around 40 cafes

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London – 2: Hampton Court Palace

For an insight into royal life in the Tudor Era (late medieval period), I highly recommend Hampton Court Palace. This was the residence of Henry VIII and a lot of events of his tumultuous life took place here.

four person standing on cliff in front of sun

Guest Post: Midlife Crisis & Moving Forward

Experiencing a mid-life crisis can feel intense and overwhelming. Even as you navigate tough feelings, there are ways to find positivity and keep moving forward.

London – Part 1

The UK, and London, in particular, was on my must-do travel list for a long time, because of the rich history of the city going all the way back to Celtic and Roman times and because of how much cultural impact it had over the former British Empire and the Anglophone world.

Road Trip, Rural Ontario, Canada

I traveled around the Kitchener-Waterloo area, starting with Cambridge and Paris, and then headed west to Stratford …

yellow die cast miniature van on brown sand

Guest Post: Tips for Planning a Sabbatical

By Lance Cody-Valez A sabbatical is a break from work, but not a vacation. It is an extended period where you step away from your

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